1. It's not hard to figure out my results for this one… any guesses?
2. Today literally GOT AWAY from me. One minute I'm eating muffins and taking LJ to Penn Station, then I'm catching up on Jane the Virgin and all the other crap shows I watch, then BAM it's like 10 pm and I just finished packing. I want my weekend backkkkk. clearly I'm having a major case of the Sunday blues.
3. I LOVE getting mail. I got the cutest valentines day card in the mail and now I just want to send ALL THE CARDS.
4. I learned something valuable at the gym today! My gym gives us MyZone activity belts for free with our membership. It's pretty similar to a polar watch and basically monitors your heart rate and tells you how many calories you burn during your workout. It's not even REMOTELY close to what the treadmill tells me I'm burning (in my favor). I always knew they couldn't be really accurate, but I'm talking like underestimating 150 calories. crazy.
6. It was like FIFTY DEGREES TODAY. Can it stay forever? Is spring on its way here? I WANT IT FOREVER. except not really, I want it until i'm ready for beach weather.
7. | Scandal | Olivia CLEARLY needs some time to figure out her life. She needs to take a hot second to recoup and breathe. The part where she had to grip her dress to stop her hand from shaking was just so sad. UMMmm. I love the new VP. I think she's great. I do have to say I was surprised they chose to do an episode with that subject matter. | Secrets and Lies | I LOVE IT. I was so sad How to Get Away With Murder was over, but I'm LOVING secrets and lies. I don't know who I think did it. Originally I thought it was the wife. But her reaction to finding out about the boy being his son was too real. So now I don't know. Part of me thinks it was one of the daughters. I feel like they're making it seem like it could be the older daughter… but maybe it's the younger daughter? I just think its weird that his flashlight is missing and also she acted weird when they talked about his death at the dinner table. I DON'T KNOW. | Mindy | WHERE HAVE I BEEN?! She's pregnant, WHAT. I love love love it. I love where it's going. But I want Peter back. ASAP.
8. It was so wonderful to have my friends here this weekend. they're the cutest and I miss them already. i cant wait to tell you about all of our adventures!
9. I'm kind of obsessed with this? I love the semi confusing step pictures.
10. THE DELUXE TS 1989 SONGS ARE ON ITUNES. go forth and listen.
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