
Sunday Sprinkles


1. GUYS.  hi!  it was my birthdayyyyyy this Friday and it was so nice… because it was ALSO national donut day!  stay tuned.. we're gonna talk about my donut adventures soon.

2. alsooooo i had a mani pedi this weekend and it was literally GLORIOUS.  i haven't had one in FOR.EV.ER.  of course i went and ruined my soft feet by running a 4 mile race this morning. (on the subject of running – DID YOU PARTICIPATE IN GLOBAL RUNNING DAY THIS WEEK?)

3. i love this.  i laughed for about 20 minutes.

4. hey are we friends on pinterest?  it's a new aspect of the blog i'm trying to grow right now, sooooo if you're not following head on over and check it out.

5. did everyone and their cousin get married this weekend?! it was a beautiful weekend for a wedding so congrats to everyone who got to enjoy it!

6. OH tomorrow is double star day at starbucks.  i'm going to buy ALL the cups.  i have a serious problem.  but i dont care and i love about 80% of the items in the store.

7. OKAY. i'm still really waiting for the good TV to come back on.  but in the meantime i'm watching sisterwives like no other and now i've migrated back to watching bones (i'm up to season 8 now) .  OH and body of proof, we're still loving that and on the last season.

8. i can't even with this lip art.  its SO PRETTY.

9. LORELAI.  yas.