
Workout Wrap-Up


HIIIIII.  as you can tell from this post one of the things that has really changed in my life over the last few months is my focus on health in general.  I’ve been working out consistently and eating healthy (80/20 for the win here) and I’m seeing amazing results.

because this has become such a huge part of my life now, I like to share a weekly recap of my workouts on Wednesdayyys.

here's how it works & what the formatting of the headings will look like:

Day – Activity/workout; Active Calorie Burn

then i'll give you a brief overview of what happened that day/why i chose that workout/orrr any day specific thoughts i have!  at the end i'll wrap it all up with my overall thoughts on the week or any goals i might have for the next week.  Questions?  leave them in the comments!

M – PT & cross training moves + Walk; 453 Move cals

SO on monday i went to DC and spent a ton of time on the train.  I walked to dinner after getting there to just stretch out a bit and then when i got back to my hotel i did my physical therapy moves and a few arm moves with a resistance band i had brought with me.

T – PT + Cross Training; 430 MOVE CALS

tuesday i headed back to NYC and was on the train again for a while.  I was exhausted when i got home and just did some cross training stuff when i got home and my physical therapy moves again.

– PILates Fix; 482 MOVE CALS

wednesday was a full workout of pilates fix with frankie!  it felt REALLY good and really good to get a full workout in after spending a few days with minimal exercise from traveling.

T – physical Therapy + walking; 462 MOVE CALS

thursday i had physical therapy and did some walking.  physical therapy went really well and andy gave me some specific lunge work to do and said i could go on a short run before brooklyn happens next weekend!  it was really encouraging and i felt a lot better afterwards.

– Yoga Fix; 433 MOVE CALS

friday i was off work and spent the whole day cleaning the apartment.  after i was done cleaning, i did a quick round of yoga fix and my physical therapy moves.  frankie and i had a movie night later

S – Upper Fix;  556 MOVE CALS

saturdayyyyy YES! it was an upper fix day with frankie and we both felt like it seemed extra hard for some reason.  so it felt really good to get a burn in.  we did that later in the night (at like 8pm) and then relaxed and watched criminal minds.

S – 25 Min run + 1 mile walk + yoga; 493 MOVE CALS

sunday!  I was super excited that I could go on a “short” run so I headed out with Frankie with the intention of doing 40 minutes (andy also told me to base my running on time lengths not mileage, which is weird but whatever, i'll do anything at this point).  aboutttt 20 minutes in my knee started feeling a little funky and I gave it another 5 minutes and then decided to call it quits for that run.  it was discouraging but also very refreshing to get out there again.

wrap-up thoughts:

THIS WEEK felt really good.  i feel like i got a lot of good work in and i'm happy about the progress i've been making in my upper body moves. it was motivating to have time at home to get myself back on the workout track and it war really nice to hit the pavement on Sunday.  i'll probably end up doing one more short run between Monday and Friday as a small shakeout to gauge my intentions for the race.  I also plan on focusing on my core a LOT this upcoming week because I'm thinking that might be part of the issue too.  I have physical therapy tomorrow so i'll discuss that consideration with andy then!

to follow my journey check out my fitness instagram & facebook page.  && if you're ready to start on YOUR journey, i want to help!  fill out these questions and we can discuss programs, meal plans, or tips & tricks!