As a girl who spent a significant amount of time eating pizza throughout Italy (okay fine I eat pizza EVERYWHERE I go), I consider myself pretty well versed with the food group. In simple terms: I. Love. Pizza.
Some may say I love pizza too much. To those people I say: blasphemy!
I saw on a food-network commercial that the average American eats something like 24 pounds of pizza a year. Ha. I eat that in one weekend…. but really. I'm 95 percent sure that when I went home to visit my family and Frankie I ate 24 pounds of pizza. But really.
I also don't discriminate against my pizza. I'll eat it out, I'll eat it home, I'll get delivery, I'll do pick-up. I'll eat Chicago-style, New York-Style, and any of the ridiculous number of different Italian-styles. (FYI: pizza in Florence is WAYYYYY different than it is in Naples.)
Don't even get me started on RI pizza strips. WHEAH MAH RHODE ISLANDAHS AT? Can we boycott? How did D. Palmieri's not make it on that list?
In case you're scratching your head like uhhhhhh Ash what's the point. The point is that I've experienced a lot of different kinds of pizza sauces. I've had sweet sauce, spicy sauce, flavorful sauce, bland sauce, garlicy sauce, white sauce, red sauce, even buffalo and barbecue sauce.
And despite all that, this is my go-to sauce when I'm making pizza at home.
And I don't wanna hear you be all like: I don't have time. All I'm hearing is BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. No offense. But it seriously takes two seconds and seven ingredients to make an amazing pizza sauce that isn't prepackaged in a squirt-able bottle. I want better for you, my invisible internet friends, better than squirt-able bottles. I really, really do.
In case you're wondering what hypes the sauce up: fresh basil. It's the secret weapon every time. (butttttt if you're in a pinch dried basil will work too.)
Quick and Easy Pizza Sauce
- Prep Time: 5
- Total Time: 5
- 1 10 oz can tomato sauce (I use Hunt's!)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 3/4 tablespoon minced garlic
- 1/2 tsp italian seasoning
- pinch of salt
- pinch of pepper
- basil leaves (I go by taste but usually use 2 bigger leaves)
- Pour the first six ingredients (tomato sauce through pepper) and mix together.
- Take your kitchen shears and cut your basil leaves into thin strips about a half inch long.
- Stir the basil strips into the tomato sauce mixture.
- Use immediately, freeze, or refrigerate for up to 7 days.
- You want to make sure the oil is not separating from the rest of the sauce before using it. If you see it separating just give it a good stir before putting the sauce on the dough!
- This recipe yields approximately 1 cup of sauce.
- Calories: 215
- Sugar: 12
- Sodium: 179
- Fat: 14
- Saturated Fat: 2
- Unsaturated Fat: 12
- Trans Fat: 0
- Carbohydrates: 22
- Protein: 4
- Cholesterol: 0

Just go do it already. Geesh.