I finally finished unpacking [for the most part] with only a few casualties (a ramekin and a candle) and a some little finishing touches remaining (organizing my desk and fine tuning the location of everything).
It feels SO GOOD to not have any more boxes to sort through. I don't think I could be any happier.
^ that is my absolute favorite part of the entire apartment. I'm obsessed with my built-in and the little knick-knacky things that I “styled” it with [who am i?]
I do still have a pile of crap in my living room that I need to sell over the next few weeks, but! no! more! boxes! the boxes have left the building. literally. My plan is to at least catalog the stuff I'm selling and do some research on prices this week so that I go into my first craigslist experience armed with information. because, obviously, it's very serious stuff.
Am I the only person in the world who thinks about cataloging their future craigslist sales? Because I do, in fact, plan on keeping an excel chart. and I definitely am considering buying a clipboard for this project. too much?
I'm 100% serious about the clip board… but it also seemed like a good segway into talking about work.
I've been loving work. I mean I've only really been doing actual work for a week now, but everyone still seems super nice and really friendly. We actually had a team meeting yesterday so I was able to meet a lot of the people on my team which was really great.
Overall it seems like a really good group of people and the work has been really interesting [but I won't bore you with that ish – just know I'm happy!].
I can't believe it took me three weeks, but I had pizza! Frankie definitely thought there was something wrong with me for waiting so long (it's normally the first thing I ask for when I visit)… truthfully I was slightly concerned as well. We ended up having a date night in on Saturday. neither of us wanted to go out in the cold, so we ordered a pizza from Gotham Pizza and had it delivered. We popped open a bottle of Syrah and watched all the showz [aka: scandal & how to get away with murder].
The pizza was amazing. Super great and definitely going to have to get it again. The garlic knots were just so-so, but I have a hard time finding a place that I think has knots that compare to Angelina's so…
The apartment obviously isn't completely finished, but I felt comfortable enough with my progress to have people over this weekend! A few of our friends came over to scope out the new place and they loved it! They also loved the guacamole I made them. score! [no I did not put apples in my guac…. the apples just looked good in the picture… plus they're delicious]
We actually had a really great Sunday all together. they came over to see the place. there were some competitive xbox FIFA and sports rivals games going on. and then we headed to the writing room for a late brunch.
I had a bellini and a TWR burger and it was… out of this world. omg. I definitely recommend it. if I could have a do-over [which I will because I couldn't decide between the TWR burger or the fried chicken and waffles] I'd probably go with a mimosa over the bellini though. Just for honesty's sake.
In other foodie news: I talked about this yesterday, buttttt I ROASTED A CHICKEN. nom. I'm super happy about it obviously. but now my gas stove anxiety has morphed into gas oven anxiety. I think I checked the oven like 10918393285 times because I was convinced that the flame under the oven [p.s. is it a broiler compartment under there? I can't figure it out] would set the entire apartment [and more importantly… the chicken] on fire if I left it alone for too long.
Spoiler alert: it didn't [and more importantly… it didn't].
Mah gurl T-swift gets a ton a hate from native new yorkers (or even people who have lived here for a few years) about being an ambassador or whatever she does for NYC. to them I say: and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.
I think that's about it for this past week guys! Hopefully I can sell that stuff quickly and be able to finish up every thing with the apartment soon so I can give you a virtual tour!
oh oh oh, i have an UPDATE: I was informed that even though I haven't turned the radiators on, my super turns the heat on for the building automatically [apparently it's a law or something]. So my apartment is not in fact a sauna, like we discussed last time, and I'm going to cross my fingers that the building will be cool in the summer.