do you love dip? do you think dip is the frosting on your savory snacks? is it the cherry on top? IS IT?
even if it's not [which, um, it is] you've come to the right place, my friend, because I'm about to change yo mind. oh yeah.
This dip is the jam. not literal jam, because it's clearly not actual jam, but like MY JAM.
funny story: I used to hate mustard. (why do all my stories start like this?). I hated it on sandwiches and pretty much everything else. Yellow mustard was the bane of my existence. WHY WAS IT ON THIS PLANET? well now I can tell you. It's here to make this dip with.
I'm still not a fan of just straight up yellow mustard. BUT I will say it makes a nice base to play with in the flavor arena. you can do ALL THE THINGS.
today specifically, we're mellowing it out with some mayo (stop cringing, it's okay I promise), giving it some bite with garlic, and pumping up the heat with sriracha.
I've been making this dip for about a year for myself and I usually just taste as I go and do a pinch of dis and a pinch of dat and BOOM it's perfect. but this measured out recipe works too. if you hate living on the edge, keep it as is. if you like skydiving in the kitchen, use the recipe as a base and adjust as necessary.
maybe you like to burn your mouth off with sriracha, I can't [and won't] judge. you do you.
unless you're Frankie, in which case: STICK TO THE RECIPE BABE.
I made the dip for him one night and he LOVED IT. was all impressed like “YOU came up with this?!?” don't be so surprised jerkface. yes, I did. two mornings later I wake up to a sink filled with dishes and mustard caked on ALL OF THEM. when asked what happened, “I tried to make your dip…”
so, basically… what I'm trying to say, is this is a selfish post so that I am not the only dip-maker in our apartment for the rest of eternity.
but you should really make it for you too. and your franzzz. make some for dose friends. they deserve it. and my friends liked it when they visited!
isn't it cool that i can say things are friend approved now?!
I think so too.
oh oh oh! and fun fact: all these pictures were taken in MANUAL mode! let me know what you think? do they look better? worse? did you not even noticeeee? what's going on in your pretty head?
Spicy Mustard Pretzel Dip
- 3/4 cup light mayonnaise
- 1/4 cup yellow mustard
- 2 tsp minced garlic
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp sriracha
- 1/2 tsp kosher salt
- 1/2 tsp cracked black pepper
- In a bowl mix together the mayo and mustard. [whip it, whip it good. actually, I'm just kidding just make sure they're combined without lumps and the mixture is smooth.]
- Add in the garlic, garlic powder, sriracha, salt, and pepper and mix together.
- Taste and adjust as needed.
- Serve with pretzels immediately or cover and refrigerate for one day.
- Serving Size: 4
- Calories: 162
- Sugar: 2
- Sodium: 806
- Fat: 16
- Saturated Fat: 2
- Unsaturated Fat: 12
- Trans Fat: 0
- Carbohydrates: 6
- Protein: 1
- Cholesterol: 16

also, wear a parachute when sky diving in your kitchen. especially if you're sky diving a pretzel into a pillow of light yellow goodness.
I need to give up analogies. like asap.
Make it? Lemme see it! Hashtag it: #thepikeplacekitchen