Drinks / Recipes

Coffee Syrup


Coffee Syrup OMG.  I'm scared about this post.  Scared and excited.  Okay… I'm jumping up and down from excitement… or from the sugar?  who knows.

I did something… dare I say… daring? Coffee Syrup-2

Maybe you don't understand.  Where I come from, in the smallest state with the longest name, this is a HUGE deal.  tbh, I didn't even know it was a “Rhode Island thing” until college.  It's such a big deal in my state that we even dedicated our “state drink” to the stuff.

Yeah, that's right.  I'm talking about coffee syrup. Coffee Syrup-3

For a few years now, I've been thinking about doing it.  going for it.  because living so far from home has made me miss the stuff.  miss lil' rhody.  And so on a dreary day I marched my butt down to starbucks, bought a Venti Pike Place Roast, and let magic happen in my kitchen. Coffee Collage 2

We've talked about my hatred for dairy.  We've discussed how I loathe copious amounts of cheese.  We've had lighthearted debates about how I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than eat a soup with cream in it.  Oh, we haven't had that conversation?  oh…. nevermind. 

What we haven't talked about is how when I was a kid I would only drink milk if it was flavored.  I said NAH to the chocolate and I'd maybe occasionally let the pink swirls of strawberry grace my plastic cup.  I was holding out.  Cause this gurrrl knew where it was at: coffee milk.  aw yeah.  or as my homies would say: cawfee milk.  I'm a rhode islandah, stawp judging and I'll stawp talking in my accent. Coffee Syrup-4

The stuff is magical.  As in, it will magically change your life.  When I was little, like five years old, I used to want to be JUST like my grandpa.  Which meant I wanted overalls, homemade peanut butter crackers, and coffee.  but I was five.  so instead of giving me liquid crack my grandma would mix a couple tablespoons of coffee syrup into my milk and call it coffee.  I was none the wiser. 

Now that I'm older, I fully understand the miracle benefits of drinking my caffeine.  I don't really ever drink coffee milk anymore, I've got lattes.  But since moving away, every once in a while I feel nostalgic and just want a glass of coffee milk. Coffee Syrup-5

SO. I made some syrup.  It may not be autocrat or eclipse.  But if you've left Rhode island maybe it'll satisfy your craving and bring you back to your childhood for a minute…. at least until you can make your way back to the glorious 401. 


Coffee Syrup

  • Author: Ashley Renee
  • Cook Time: 25
  • Total Time: 25


  • 2 cups strong brewed coffee
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


To make the syrup

  1. Bring the coffee to a boil in a medium sauce pan over medium/high heat.
  2. Reduce heat to low/medium and stir in sugar and vanilla extract. Allow to simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until syrup reaches desired consistency. I let mine boil down about a half a cup – leaving me with a cup and a half of syrup.
  3. Allow syrup to cool before using.
  4. Store in refrigerator for up to a week!

To make coffee milk

  1. Really, it's all about preference. My go-to ratio is about 3 & 1/2 tablespoons of syrup to 8 ounces of milk. Taste as you go and add more syrup as necessary! Clearly you can garnish with whipped cream (it's what the cool kids are doing).


  • Calories: 785
  • Sugar: 200
  • Sodium: 12
  • Fat: 0
  • Saturated Fat: 0
  • Unsaturated Fat: 0
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 200
  • Protein: 1
  • Cholesterol: 0

 If you were smart you'd make yourself a cabinet [cawfee ice cream+ cawfee syrup + milk].  mmhmm.  or you could just go get an awful awful.  your choice. Coffee Syrup-6

Make it? Lemme see it! Hashtag it: #thepikeplacekitchen

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Dips, Dressings, Sauces & Spreads / Recipes

Quick and Easy Cilantro Pesto



Cilantro Lime Pesto-6

Today we're talking Pesto.  Because I really love making my own pesto.  BUT FIRST!  In case you guys are at all interested – a quick NYC update.  I think I told you that I was going to look at apartments this week.  I'm SUPER happy to report that on the first day of apartment searching we found a killer steal and snatched up a beautiful 1 bedroom apartment.  In three weeks I'll be a resident of the upper east side!  Yes, I am freaking out of excitement.  And yes, I have been staring at the city in complete awe that I'll be living here so soon. 

Cilantro Lime Pesto-3

Okay, now that that is out of the way, back to the food.  PESTOOOO.  I'm pretty much obsessed with making my own pesto right now.  It's just soooo easy.  and delicious.  

This pesto is a cilantro lime pesto that I like to throw on my tacos/nachos/burritos.  I've even put it on sandwiches…. I really love cilantro.  Sub it in for mayo on a turkey sandwich… you'll never look at the world the same way.  

Cilantro Lime Pesto-5

The absolute BEST idea to use this pesto for is making guacamole.  just pop a teaspoon (or three) into a mashed up avocado and you've got a super easy homemade guac recipe.  If you're not pressed for time I'd totally mix in some chopped up red onion/tomato and really impress some friends with a Mexican extravaganza.  

 I feel like pesto is one of those things that seems super daunting to make but in actuality its SO easy.  You really just have to pop a few ingredients into a food processor and VIOLA.  you're done. just like that.  

Cilantro Lime Pesto-4

I like mixing and matching my herbs and nuts to get different flavors and textures.  I'll use up any extras from herbs that I need for recipes this way.  It's just so convenient.  I HATE when a recipe calls for cilantro or basil and I only need like two leaves or sprigs and then the rest goes bad.  its such a wasteee.  wasting food hurts my heart.  don't hurt my heart – make pesto!

Also the pesto freezes super well.  I use my ice cube tray to freeze it.  I put about a tablespoon into each cube and freeze it for a couple hours.  I'll run a little warm water over the bottom of the tray to loosen the cubes and then throw them in a plastic bag!    Cilantro Lime Pesto-2


Cilantro Lime Pesto

  • Author: Ashley Renee
  • Yield: 1 1x


  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 1 lime
  • 2 tablespoons grapeseed oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
  • 1/8 cup almonds
  • pinch of salt


  1. Remove most of the stems from the cilantro bunch and place in a food processor. Add the grapeseed oil, olive oil, almonds, salt, and garlic cloves in with the cilantro. Zest the lime over the container and add 3/4 of the juice from the lime.
  2. Process until smooth.
  3. If the mixture appears dry, add in more lime juice or grapeseed oil until creamy.


  • Calories: 497
  • Sugar: 2
  • Sodium: 158
  • Fat: 50
  • Saturated Fat: 5
  • Unsaturated Fat: 43
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 13
  • Protein: 5
  • Cholesterol: 0

 If you don't sub a tablespoon (or five) of Jose Cuervo in place of the lime juice at least once in your life, I'll be a little offended.  

Cilantro Lime Pesto

Make it? Lemme see it! Hashtag it: #thepikeplacekitchen

Insty. Twittah. Lovingzeblogs. Pinnypins




Sunday Sprinkles


IMG_0230.JPG 1.  I'm currently on my way to New York, NY to look for apartments!! It's so exciting… but scary and overwhelming… but exciting!  My two best friends are coming to New York to celebrate/help out a bit (THANK GOD).  And I just can't wait to be top dudes in new york.  We're going to frolic around the streets [read: they're going to watch me cry over being homeless].  It's going to be magical.

2.  YES. Frankie I really hope you're reading this.

3.  I spent WAY too much money at Office Depot last week buying metallic sharpies and paper clips… and so the office supply obsession continues.  I REALLY needed them for my new planner though…

4.  Every season of Friends is now on Netflix, so you should all know where to find me for the next few months…. okay weeks.  Hint: on my couch.  

5.  Frankie's family gave me this really amazing christmas present and I'm literally OBSESSED with it.  I'll report back after I do a couple of them, but I'm just in love with the idea.  

6.  This. is. just. amazing.  I can't wait for Jurassic Park to come out and Parks and Rec comes back on Tuesdayyy.  Actually, I'm just super excited for most of my TV to be returning soon!  I can't wait for HTGAWM and Scandal!

7.  Frankie and I made some really awesome friends on our cruise in December (which, I know, I know, I still haven't caught you up on).  One of the girls lives in Canada and she told me she made the quinoa recipe I posted earlier this week and loved it!  I love it when you guys tell me you make/made my stuff.  HI JESS.    

8.  Also.  I'm from Scituate guys!   this made my week.  “do they even speak english in Rhode Island?” no, no we don't.

9.  It's been cloudy and cozy in Seattle and I've been soaking it all in… for the thirty-six hours I was actually in Washington.  I've been feeling like I'm coming down with a cold so I spent practically all of the time I was home curled up on the couch with tea.  I have no regrets.  

10. I rarely talk about other blogs on here that I love (I should do that more), with the exception of Jessica who I talk about in almost every post/conversation.  BUT.  I really wanted to show you these DIY baby crowns bev made.  like don't you want to just curl up and die over the cuteness? holy crap.  I'm not ready for kids yet… but when I am BOY AM I COMING FOR YOU WITH BABY BIRTHDAY CROWNS.  And you know, since we're talking about her… I feel it's only right to tell you I love her blog.  As in I check it every morning.  She's just… fantastic.  And her instagram captions are ON POINT.  love love love.

11.  ALL THE LINKS TODAY.  you're welcome.  


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Recipes / Sides

Basic {but flavorful} Quinoa


Quinoa-4Hi guys!  Let's totally talk quinoa today.  (which I totally still pronounce Cue-Noah instead of the rightful Keen-Wah – I'm a foodie, obvi.)

I know what you're thinking: “ash, quinoa is so totally 2013.”  AND YOU'RE RIGHT.  but, as usual, i'm late to join the party.  can I argue fashionably late with my new haircut?  meh let's not get caught up in details.  the point is: I didn't start adventuring with quinoa until last year.  This sucker has been in my recipe arsenal for months and I'm just now pulling things out to post because, um, I'm moving and pretty much won't have time to spend in my kitchen until I'm  in New York….Quinoa 1

For those of you who are staring at your screens like “keen-who?” let me help you out.  Quinoa is an ancient grain and superfood that looks a lot like couscous.   What's so special about it, you ask?  It's a complete protein, containing all 9 amino acids, andddd it's gluten free.  When cooked right, it can be light and fluffy with a slightly nutty taste.  I like to use it as a rice substitute.  Quinoa-3

There are two, very important, keys to cooking quinoa.  First, make sure you thoroughly rinse and dry those seeds before you cook them!  I use my fine mesh strainer and run cold water over dry quinoa for a couple minutes and then set the strainer on top of a towel to dry (I find that the towel soaks out the moisture and speeds up the drying process).  Rinsing the quinoa removes a coating on the grain that causes a bitter taste.  Second, use a 1:1.5 quinoa to water ratio.  I've read a lot of places that say to cook quinoa like rice, with a 1:2 ratio, but I find that the extra moisture weighs down the quinoa and it doesn't get as fluffy.  Quinoa

That's it folks!  It's pretty easy from there.  I decided to make this another installment of the Cooking for One series because a lot of times I'll just make a quarter cup of quinoa.  You can easily adapt this recipe to make larger quantities, though – just up the main ratio (i.e. for 1/2 cup quinoa use 3/4 cup water or for 1 cup of quinoa use 1.5 cups water) and adjust spices to taste.Quinoa-6

 The SPICES.  The spices are really what makes this quinoa recipe THE BEST (in my opinion).  You can totally play around with what you use for spices/the amounts of spice you put in there.  You do you.  but this is exactly how I make my favorite quinoa. 


Fluffy & Flavorful Quinoa

  • Author: Ashley Renee
  • Prep Time: 60
  • Cook Time: 20
  • Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes


  • 1/4 cup quinoa
  • 3/8 cup vegetable broth
  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb
  • pinch of garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and cracked black pepper


  1. Using a fine mesh sieve, rinse the quinoa under cold water. Set quinoa aside and allow to dry (approximately 1 hour).
  2. Heat a small sauce pan to medium-high. Pour the quinoa into the pan with the olive oil and allow to toast for a minute or two. Stir constantly to prevent burning.
  3. Add in the vegetable broth (or water if you prefer water), Mrs. Dash, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and cracked black pepper and stir.
  4. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for about 10-12 minutes.
  5. Remove the lid and fluff up the quinoa with a fork. If you still see a little liquid in the pan, cover and allow to simmer for another minute or two.
  6. Enjoy! Read: commence face plant.


  • Serving Size: 1
  • Calories: 203
  • Sugar: 0
  • Sodium: 361
  • Fat: 7
  • Saturated Fat: 1
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6
  • Trans Fat: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 28
  • Protein: 6
  • Cholesterol: 0

And to answer your question: yes, I did make the quinoa heart in the first picture.  I'm so artsy.   


Make it? Lemme see it! Hashtag it: #thepikeplacekitchen

Insty. Twittah. Lovingzeblogs. Pinnypins


14 things I learned in 2014



HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!  Here is a SUPER insightful [not really insightful at all] list of 14 things I learned in 2014. 

1. People change.  And it's okay that they do.  They always will.  If everything always stayed the same it would be a very boring world.  And I'm changing too!  I'm growing.  I'm becoming this person that I'm supposed to be.  So is everyone else.  Give them the benefit of the doubt, because I desperately want that from everyone else too.

2. Eat a salad every now and then.  Yes I love pizza and bread and pasta and meat and sugar and… bacon.  I'll never say don't eat those things because… um… have you met me?  But, I can't deny that it feels good to eat healthy and my body will thanks me for it.  Make it fun though.  It doesn't have to be a wimpy salad.  You can throw some steak on there and all the vegetables.  How bout quinoa?  Um Bacon anyone?  Take a cue from Jessica and make a hot bacon fat dressing.  okay i think i ruined this one… but I'm still learning.   

3. Vacations are important.  They are relaxing.  You should take them when you can.  All I want to do is save up money and vacation time but sometimes getting away from it all is just good for the soul.  Even if it's just a week of sitting on your couch watching netflix for a staycation.  do it.  it's worth it.

4. Call your grandma.  Or whoever is important to you in your life.  I consistently call my grandma every Sunday.  I visit her every time I'm home.  She loves it.  It gives her something to look forward to.  She'll answer the phone on a Sunday and just assume it's me.  She spends all week waiting to hear from me about my life and to tell me whether she won at bingo or not.  It takes fifteen minutes out of my day and gives me so much more. 

5. Always make time to reflect.  Reflect on your relationships, on your career, on yourself.  I don't spend a lot of time doing it.  But I just like to think about the me from a year ago.  What is different?  Is it good or is it bad?  What would I change about how I handled things.  How do I want to change going forward.  I think introspection is healthy and it can be motivating.

6. It's totally okay to binge watch crap tv or read crappy novels or whatever you do to blow off steam.  You spend all day being serious about your life, career, family.  Sometimes keeping up with the kardasians will be the only thing that keeps you sane…. or shamelessly searching for youtube interviews by your favorite celebrity couples to watch for hours like some of us [me] might do.  It doesn't make you less intelligent… at least I hope it doesn't.

7. Patience is a virtue.  Of which I possess little.  <- that basically just summed up the weekly conversations I have with my grandmother on Sundays.  She tells me all I need is to be patient and I tell her that I have no patience.  But my experiences this year have shown me that good things come to those who wait… as long as you don't lose your mind while you're waiting.

8. A change in plans won't end the world.  I try to stay pretty cool and calm most of the time (mainly because NO ONE, myself included, wants to deal with me when I'm freaking out) but I find when plans change I can't handle it.  This year I've had to really focus on not losing it when things don't go how I expect them to.  Because pretty much everything this year didn't go how I expected.

9. Midi rings are a thing.  A cool thing.  Thanks britt.  And pheobe from friends.

10. You are your own worst critic. Stop that. Stop being dissapointed in yourself. No one else cares. You hear me? NO ONE ELSE CARES. I wrote this huge long post about how scared I was that people would judge me for moving home so soon and guess what? The only person who was mean to me about it was a grumpy, old, retired jerk who “told me I wouldn't last” when he still worked with me.  Do I really care what he thinks? Was that really what I was scared of?  My world didn't end.  And most of the people I talk to are incredibly excited for me.

11. Sparkling water is not, in fact, the worst.  This one was fun to learn.  I HATED sparkling water.  I thought it was designed to taste awful…. until I came across la croix this year and fell in loveeeee.   Well actually I learned to like it by drinking vodka sodas with a lemon and a lime (shh.), then I ventutred into making my own cucumber soda on the blog (thanks soda streammm).  I basically taught myself to not hate sparking water, but it wasn't until I experimented with making my own la croix at home that I fell in love.  But the moral of the story is to throw in some citrus juice to sparkling water and it is completely transformed into something drinkable with about a MILLION less calories than soda.  You're welcome.

12. Invest in good friends.  Good friends will save you from yourself everytime.  They're irreplaceable and so important to my sanity.  I feel like I've gotten even closer to the ones I have this year and I think we all know that was because I was COMPLTELY freaked out about everything that was going on in my life.  I can't appreciate them enough.  There aren't enough words to describe how much I love them.

13. Taylor Swift is bae and so is this mashup.   

14. Be adventurous.  Be yourself.  You only get one shot at this life thing.  Live it to your fullest.  And don't waste it being someone you're not.  Moving to new york is probably the scariest, most exciting thing I have ever done… and I can't wait, because I finally realized that I'm the only one who can make myself happy.     


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