
Friday Things: Birthdays & Bremerton


1. Ugh, great.. it's tourist season. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE the weather. Bring on the sunshine and rain-less days, Seattle. I do love this weather so. But for the love of Chocolate Cherry Fruit and Nut Balls, someone PLEASE get the hoards of people taking pictures of my beautiful city OUT. Tuesday marked the one year mark of me moving to Seattle (it feels like just yesterday), and I remember thinking the city was ALWAYS this packed. (spoiler) It's not. I miss being able to walk around the city without feeling like every person is going to invade my candy-coated bubble of personal space. Oh, and being able to walk faster than a crawling six-month-old baby would be awesome too.

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2. But… the weather is pretty awesome, as long as you ignore the fact that you sweat every time you wear jeans in the afternoon and you now have to remember what personal hygiene is. What I'm trying to say is that: the weather would be absolutely perfect if it were still socially acceptable to shave my legs once a month week.

3. On a different note my mom came to visit me last week for my birthday! We had an awesome time and I'm very, very thankful she came. It was kind of weird because it felt normal having her here, and I was really glad she got to meet some of my friends. We went to the melting pot for my birthday dinner on Thursday and Friday morning she made me homefries… YUM. The Melting Pot.jpg Homefries.jpg

There's nothing like having your mom come and spend some time in the kitchen cook and clean for you AND reorganize your kitchen. My momma.jpgOn Sunday we took a trip to Bremerton with Laura and had an amazing time… you can't tell from the pictures or anything ;) On Sunday we took a trip to Bremerton with Laura and had an amazing time… you can't tell from the pictures or anything ;) Bremerton.jpg 20130607-115133.jpg 20130607-115147.jpg

Great memories (stolen balloons & perfect cop high-fives), great friends, and GREAT weather… and maybe a few too many of these.


She had to leave on my birthday, Monday, but I had a wonderful dinner at Deb's (all my favorites: garlic bread, chicken drumsticks, broccoli, mojitos, & martinis)! Can't help but feel blessed and loved after those 5 days. Thank you everyone :)

4. I'm kind of obsessed with chobani. I know it's weird. I just keep wanting to try new flavors and types. I thought I HATED greek yogurt, turns out I was wrong. I could marry the key lime flip… and maybe have an affair with the passion fruit on the side.

5. Bring me back to this.

6. I feel like EVERYONE around me is getting engaged. It's honestly kind of freaking me out. Am I at that stage in my life? My boyfriend and I have been together for five years now, with a full one of those years being long distance. That's pretty intense, right? I joke with him about how I want a ring and blah blah blah, but honestly… I'm not in a rush. I'd love to settle down and have a family but I just don't think I could do it right now. I feel like we both have so much we want to accomplish before that happens. I'd like to get engaged within the next two years and have a LONGGGGG (I'm talking like two or three years) engagement. Is that weird? Ze boyfriend is going to be over the moon when he reads this and has proof forever that I said it. (Nothing ever goes away once it's on the internet) I guess we'll see if he really follows along ;)

7. I've turned into a voyeur… not that I wasn't really before. But I'm kind of obsessed with these people right now: Caitlyn, Jenn, the ever lovely Jessica, and Courtney.

8. I feel like I need to make more of an effort to be healthy. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately and it bothers me that I have so much difficulty getting control over what I allow myself to eat. I'm working on it. It's a work in progress, just like eating when I'm actually hungry… what does that even mean? I'm 100% guilty of being a bored snacker.

9. I went to yet another mariners game with Laura. I'm super happy because we have SO many concerts/games booked for this summer. #summertoforget (get it? because we'll be drinking? and we'll forget… stop judging me.)

 10. I freaking love Jennifer Lawrence. Can the next hunger games just come out already? Can I just date her? I already asked that and was denied? Says who? FINE. Can I just be her? I don't think this obsession will ever end. And now, I'm in the mood to watch The Hunger Games… THANKS PINTEREST.

11. I'm also trying to be more active in the blogging world by commenting more. I want friends so comment and say hi, I swear I don't bite. Want me to start? HIIIIiIiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIII. See it's not that bad.

Toppings / WIAW

What I Ate Wednesday


I was kind of late linking up to the party… you should expect nothing less from me… my procrastination is at an all time high.  Anywhooo, Jenn is hosting “sensible snacking” What I Ate Wednesdays this month.  Which means I have to try and make my snacking healthy.  Greattttttt.  Let's see how this goes.

So here we go guys, this is What I Ate [last] Wednesday.

6-5 Breakfast


(10:06 am) One of my FAVORITE things to have for breakfast is a grapefruit.  It's super easy, I don't have to do anything I just grab it on my way out the door.  We all know how lazy I am, so this is right up my alley.  I ate half of this grapefruit for breakfast and had the other half later as a snack.  (10:27 am) I munched on half of a lemon zest Luna Bar.  I've recently become obsessed with Luna Bars & trying out the different flavors, I like this one because its sweet & almost feels like a you're eating candy or dessert (which obviously appeals to my sweet tooth).  I normally like to save these ones for after lunch, but after my grapefruit I was still hungry and wanted something crunchy.  This bar is what I found, who doesn't always have half a Luna Bar in their bag?  Weirdos.6-5 Lunch


(12:20 pm) For lunch I heated up a rice bowl.  It was packed with left over things from kebabs I had made the weekend before (a grill pan is like a saving grace for a girl with a city apartment): chicken, red pepper, green pepper, red onion chunks.  I also threw in a half cup of broccoli & a serving of white rice.  Right before I heated it up in the microwave I added some uncooked onions & a bit of cilantro (on the whim decisions that were honestly just STELLAR).  P.S. I'm terribly sorry about the awful burry second picture.  I had to work with my iPhone.     IMG_01816-5 Snacks

Afternoon Snacks

(2:47 pm) I had the second half of that grapefruit from breakfast.  And I tried to drink tons of water.  I can't help shamelessly promoting my Bryant Ambassadors cup at work. ;)  (3:41pm) I munched on some baby carrots & fat free italian dressing (the stuff only has TEN calories per tablespoon… kind of awesome).  (6:32 pm) I caved & broke out the salt & vinegar chips when I was waiting for dinner to arrive.6-5 Dinner


(7:01 pm)  My mom flew into Seattle last Wednesday and we offered to hang out with Cameron while Geoff was at work, so to make dinner easy we ordered a pretty awesome Pagliacci pizza.  Half of the pizza was Hawaiian & the other half was a Brooklyn Bridge (bell pepper, onion, sausage, and pepperoni).  We also ordered a side of breadsticks (which my mom loved but both Cameron & I weren't fans of).  However, we DEVOURED that pizza.  It was definitely the best decision I've made with my pizza choices lately, and we're going to say that the pineapple, onion, and green pepper made it a “healthy decision.”  Thanks for always supporting me. DSC_0296 DSC_0299


(10:05 pm)  With our pizza order came two pints of gelato!  We ordered Salted Caramel & Lemon pints.  My favorite is the lemon, it makes me feel like I'm back in Italy (that's what I'd ordered almost every day).  We felt like the salted caramel was too rich, but we used it to make a cocktail later in the week; don't worry, the recipe is coming your way… eventually.

Hop on over to Jenn‘s page to see better WIAW's where people are actually good at snacking on healthy things… that's what I'm gonna do!

Appetizer / Beef / Dairy Free / Diet Specific / Recipes

Kale Meatballs with a Swedish Twist


So, I made these a WHILE ago.  But, in true Ashley fashion I'm just getting around to telling you about them.  They were… delish and super simple.


I'm onto this new kick of trying to trick myself into eating healthy things.  I keep slipping in veggies and “superfoods” into my normal dishes.  I also keep telling myself it's totally helping my waistline and therefore I don't need to workoutever.  (It's not working, but ignorance is bliss right?)  Anyway, thanks to this new habit I have a new BFF, enter: Kale.  You've seen it here and here and you're probably thinking: WHAT'S WITH ALL THE KALE.  Well, let me tell you.  The analyst at my work apparently grows kale (who knew?!) and brought me in a HUGE bag a few months ago, which lead to me trying 80 different kale recipes to get rid of it all because I can't keep having these things in my fridge.  I'm trying to be HEALTHY, people (says the girl scarfing down a krispy kreme donut).  Thanks for the Kale, Verlin!

Cup O Kale

Lucky for you, I'm only sharing the recipes that were good.  I tried making kale chips.. but I burned them.  I don't know.  It was an epic fail.  If anyone has any tips PLEASE let me know.  I'm dying for a potato chip replacement (because once you pop you just can stop & the bags of chips in my snack cabinet just keep DARING me to try having only ONE.  Spoiler alert: you can't).  How does everyone else on the internet make perfect kale chips, and mine turn burnt and ruined EVERY STINKING TIME.

Ugh.  Any kale chip tips would be appreciated.  Again, I pay in cookies.

Where was I?  Oh yeah.  THESE MEATBALLS.  Nom nom nom.  You won't even care that you're eating kale.  If you have small children (or a childlike adult, aka: me… or my boyfriend), I'd probably chop the kale into tiny pieces so they have no clue they're eating a veggie.

Secret Weapon: Red Wine

My secret weapon when it comes to meatballs?  Red wine.  Learned that trick when I was in Italy.  Take it for what its worth.

All the ingredients

Wanna go super healthy?  Make these with ground turkey or ground chicken.  I'm not that ambitious and I love ground beef, grease and all… although, maybe if I were my workout philosophy would actually yield some results! (the light bulb above my head is going off)

Tablespoon Sizer

Also, I said these meatballs have a swedish twist because of the nutmeg.  I'm aware that does not make these swedish meatballs, but I'm not witty enough to come up with anything else.  Let me tell you though, that pesky little spice sure does pack a ton of flavor.  Love me some nutmeg.  Honestly, if you're really craving swedish meatballs you could probably whip up a quick swedish meatball sauce and some pasta.

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I went the low carb way and ate this with some bacon wrapped green beans (disregard the pasta… they're invisible carbs). Yum. I know three meatballs seems like a small portion, but it filled me up so I embraced it.


I'm done teasing you now.  Here's the recipe.

Kale Meatballs

Yields: 15 Meatballs   Prep Time: 15 Minutes   Cook Time: 20 Minutes


1/2 lb ground beef
1 cup chopped kale
1/2 cup minced onion
1/8 cup red wine
3 tablespoons plain bread crumbs
1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
zest of one meyer lemon (or normal lemon)


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Rinse the kale and dry thoroughly (I used a salad spinner).  Then roughly chop (or mince if you're hiding if from children) the kale and mince the onion.

Use hands or spatula to combine all ingredients in a large bowl.  If the mixture feels too moist add more breadcrumbs.

Use a tablespoon to shape the meatballs (each meatball should have about two tablespoons of the mixture).  Place the meatballs in a muffin tin and bake for approximately 20 minutes.

Nutritional Data

Serving Size: 3 Meatballs
Calories: 152 Carbohydrates: 6g Fat: 9g Protein: 9g Fiber: 1g Calcium 3g


Yum.  After you make these, priority mail me some?  Please and thank you.

Toppings / WIAW

What I Ate Wednesday


It's that time of the week.  What I Ate Wednesday is making it's second appearance on the blog.  I know you guys are like DYING of excitement.

I decided to go with what I ate on Memorial day, to see what a full day of holiday eating looks like for me.  It might not be that pretty, but it'll be pretty boozy. ;)

So here we go guys, this is What I Ate on Memorial Day.



For breakfast I woke up early (because my job has desensitized me from being able to sleep in… EVER) and made myself two pieces of whole wheat toast with super chunk peanut butter while I worked on the blog.  This has been my go-to all week long.  Throw a couple bananas on there and you're in heaven.  I've been digging the 45 calories & delightful Sara Lee Whole Wheat & Honey bread… SO GOOD.  I also had two glasses of apple juice, because I'm a crazy rebel.

Brunch Collage

Lunch (ish)

I headed over to Deb's after eating to go see Epic with her, Cameron, & Geoff.  When I got there it was around 12:30 and she was making Cameron brunch.  I snagged a few pieces of yummy watermelon & bacon.  Have you tried the salt on watermelon trick?!  I've seen it on Pinterest everywhere, but I haven't actually ever tried it… until now.  Now I have.  And my mind has been blown.  nomnomnom.  Also, after “lunch” Deb & I had a glass of yummy white wine.  My go-to is always Riesling.  I'm my mother's daughter.  Luke was all about being pet, he wouldn't leave me alone.  He actually kept leaning on me… as if he had to try, I'm a big softie for that dog, even after he knocks over my wine… twice.

Snacks and Drinks

Afternoon Snacks

We headed over to Ballard to cash the matinée showing of Epic… unfortunately it was sold out.  It wasn't a completely wasted trip though, because you might have seen on Instagram that I headed to Cupcake Royale and got a Salted Caramel Cupcake.  Ugh.  My weakness.  It's too good.  I'm drooling, and moving on now.

Afternoon Drinks

After we regrouped from our sold out show with treats, we decided to buy tickets for a later show and go back to the Doyle house for an earlier dinner.  When we got back Deb made us Mai Tais!  In honor of the unofficial start of summer she wanted to try something new & exciting.  They were super yummy.  THEN, she decided to get CRAY and make us Crimson Tides.  These were really good too, but I liked the Mai Tai better, the Crimson Tide seemed a little too sweet for me.

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Do you remember how yesterday I told you I went to the Folklife Festival this past weekend?  Well, while we were there Deb and I ran into this Jam/Mustard tasting station.  We both really loved the Apple Chipotle Mustard.  Deb ended up buying us both a jar,  thanks Deb!  For dinner she thinned out the mustard with a little apple juice and lemon juice and marinated our chicken for kebabs in it.  Our kebabs had chicken, peppers, onions, and zucchini on them.  They were super good, and just as we suspected the mustard made an AWESOME marinade.  I used a little extra mustard for dipping my chicken & veggies.  And I also drizzled some on top of the rice we had on the side.  All in all, this meal was a complete success!  And I obviously had another glass of wine.  Apparently, I was really into drinking my calories that day! ;)

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After dinner, Cameron headed out to a piano lesson & Deb and I had a heart to heart about life while finishing off our bottles of wine… anddddd breaking into the champagne with Chambord.  Doesn't get much better than that!  From there we went to see the movie & where I obviously had to have some popcorn.

Wow.  I really decided to pack it all in for Memorial Day!  I'm pretty sure that holidays are a big weakness of mine.  But, regardless I had good food & great company so I'm just thankful.  No regrets!  Join in on the party, get over to Jenn‘s to link up what you're eating.


Tuesday Things


It's been forever since I last did one of these posts.  Here's a weekly dose of my reality:

Public Market  Hewooo

1.  I accidentally broke my HUGE jar of crushed garlic yesterday.  I almost cried… and not because there was glass everywhere.  What an epic waste of garlic.  The saddest part?  I actually considered scooping the garlic that was still in the broken jar into a tupperware container.  The only thing that stopped me was the prospect of eating glass when I used it.  Even then it took a lot of convincing to throw it in the trash.

2.  Four awesome birthdays happened last week.  My baby brother turned 17 on Thursday, his birthday was shared by my college roomie/bff Lj (who's OH so mature now that she's 23… I'm still mad at her over a certain conversation in which she may or may not have convinced me her boyfriend proposed on her birthday, it totally didn't happen [but my heart swelled at the prospect]).  Then my little cousin, Abby, turned 16 on Sunday, her birthday was shared by my Seattle bff Laura.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE.  (Nothing makes you feel older than watching people you remember being born get their license.  UGH make it stop.)  Next week I won't be able to jam out to Tswifty's “I'm young and hot anthem,” 22, any more.  THE HORROR.  Who are we kidding?  I'll pretend I'm still 22 and jam out.

3.  Speaking of Tswift, I have this theory that she's trying to steal my identity.  IRONIC that the second (okay, maybe not a second.  but still, within a year) I move across the country she decides to buy a mansion in my native state?  I don't think so Swifty.  I'm onto you.  Rhode Island's the smallest state in the country, WHAT REASON COULD YOU POSSIBLY HAVE FOR WANTING TO MOVE THERE.  As far as I know, you're not dating anyone.  I see no reason.  Before I know it she's going to swiftly (pun intended) buy my childhood home…  Who do you call for identity theft?  I should probs put that number on speed dial.  Just sayin.

4.  My mom posted a really embarrassing picture of me on facebook the other day.  I'm holding my little brother a few days after he was born.  That hair cut.  Someone should have done something.  Although, I really shouldn't be surprised.  Back then the woman in control of my style let her shorts/pants to double as additional bra support.  I swear, looking at old pictures makes me wonder why “high-waisted” anything was ever in.Embarrassing Old Pictures

5.  I have like five days to read A Casual Vacancy for book club.  Someone send help.  And energy drinks.  And a few more hours in each day.  That would be nice.

6.  I went to Folklife Festival with Deb and Cameron this past weekend.  I had a really fun time.  Living in Seattle seriously makes me question what my fashion sense is going to look like when I leave this state though.  My boyfriend should consider himself warned.

Folklife Festival Folklife Festival

7.  Because I am a child at heart, I went to see Epic last night.  It was super cute and I'd totally recommend it if you have kids… or if you don't.

8.  Also, I have finally caved.  My boyfriend won the candy crush battle.  I am officially addicted to that stupid game.  I love myself and I hate myself.  If you don't get that reference (a) have you been living under a stupid rock? and (b) here go watch this.  Thank me later.

9.  MUAHAHAHAH.  My email just reminded me that I'm going to the Kenny Chesney, Eli Young Band, Eric Church, and Kacey Musgraves concert on Saturday.  (the evil laugh was not an appropriate reaction, I'm aware… this is not the first time something like that has happened to me.)  I could pee myself out of excitement.  Yes, I said it.  Deal. With. It.

10.  I'm 90% sure that there is a fight going on outside my apartment right now.  I need to finish this post asap so I can stick my head out the window (inconspicuously) and watch everything go down.  Exhibit A: Why I don't have cable.

11.  I'm going to leave you with this.  It makes me cry of laughter nearly every time I watch it. “Am I trippin son?  Instagram dat joint.”  I think my favorite is the kid at 2:35.  That would be me.

As usual, you can follow my InstagramTwitter, and Pinterest to see what’s happening with me throughout the week. And don’t forget to subscribe to the Pike Place Kitchen Email List, below my twitter updates on the right hand side of the site, to get email notifications for new posts.  Have a great week!